Audrey Doyon-Lessard
Osteopath / Athletic Therapist
Audrey is a Certified Athletic Therapist with over 10 years of experience. She graduated with distinction from Concordia University with a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science with a specialization in Athlete Therapy in 2010. Her desire to learn more and refine her manual therapy skills brought her to enrol at the College d’Études Ostéopathiques de Montreal from where she graduated in 2020. For over 10 years, she has been enjoying her work with people of all ages weather they are athletes or members of the general population. She has worked with the John Abbott varsity sports teams, Beaconsfield rugby club, the Montreal Blitz and many more.
Fun fact: Audrey did a graduate certificate in business administration at Concordia University in order to be eligible to play a 5th year of varsity hockey. She was a goalie!
Fun fact: Audrey did a graduate certificate in business administration at Concordia University in order to be eligible to play a 5th year of varsity hockey. She was a goalie!